Sunday, July 17, 2016

Transgender Bathrooms

Transgenders used to call themselves Transvestites and usually dressed as the gender they identified with. I would imagine they used the restroom marked as the gender with which they identified. Reports seem to indicate identity confusion is not necessarily caused by sexual desire.

The N.C. Law was passed because of efforts by a convicted pedophile pushing a law to allow persons to use the bathroom of the gender they identify as rather the the sex they are. Gender specific bills had to be proposed because of their actions. These bills are designed for protection, and to stop sexual abusers from pretending to be another sex to gain entry to bathrooms of those they intend to assault. It's not about Transgenders it's about those pretending to be one.

Some school districts and business are going to Transgender rest rooms and pedophiles and other sexual predators are going to abuse them. They will be held civilly liable and in the school districts the tax payers will be forced to pay even though they had no input in the decision.

The uproar about gender neutral or transgender bathrooms appears to be much ado about nothing. We need to ask the question why it is being pushed at this time? Whose agenda is being advanced. 

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