Sunday, July 17, 2016

Islam is not compatible with our Constitution


 The latest statement of Presidential candidate Donald Trump calling for the halting of Muslim immigrants until we can determine the reasons for the radicalism of Muslims has created a controversy. In light of what is happening in Europe, I agree with him and don't see why this is a controversy. Compassion is an admirable trait but putting compassion before the safety of our citizens borders on lunacy.

The first thing we need to do is define Islam, and Sharia law to determine if it is compatible with our Constitutional form of governance. My reading of the Quran, Sharia law and listening to speeches by Imams leads me to believe that Islam is a form of governance that uses religion to govern its practitioners and it enforces a male dominated society.

The Quran and Sharia laws are issued and enforced by the Mosque religious leaders and come from the top down as a means to control its practitioners. In order to be a good Muslim you have to believe in and follow these laws. Out of fear of losing control of Americans Muslims leaders and organizations such as C.A.I.R. and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) are pushing for Sharia law to replace our Constitution for Muslim citizens. These organizations are actively pushing for the establishment of a Caliphate it the US.

They oppose freedom of speech and religion, gays are discriminated against and murdered, Women are property and can be beaten and are forced to marry a man chosen by her father and forced to dress a certain way. Take a look at before and after pictures of the way women dresses, worked and were treated before Islam took over the secular governments of countries in the middle east.

We are governed by the Bill of Rights in the constitution. In our form of Constitutional governance the power to govern comes from the citizens and we have the power to remove any official from office who does not listen to the people.

Other religions have come to our country but none have tried to supplant their religious beliefs for the Constitution. Although here have been attempts to reform the Quran and Sharia law they have not succeeded and those trying to reform it are called out as apostates. Every secular government in the middle east is under attack by Islamist. Why should we trust that our form of government will be exempted.

Clearly Islam is not compatible with our Constitution. 

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