Sunday, July 17, 2016

Open letter to Republican leadership

Honorable Paul Ryan
Speaker of the House
Washington D.C.

07/10/16 Just because you can
doesn't mean you should.”
Mr. Speaker;

I have been keeping up with the anti Trump arguments and believe any such movement will be very detrimental to the party. I have voted Republican for over 50 years and have always supported the candidate selected by the primary's even if I did not think they were suitable for the office of the President. I have been led to believe, by the Republican Party, that it was the peoples vote in state primary's that determined the eventual Republican Presidential candidate and that the delegates attending the convention are bound to cast their vote for our preference.

The same is supposed to be true for the Democrats but they have chosen to usurp the voters wishes through what they call Super Delegates chosen by the party giving themselves the power to do so.

Now I am being told by the anti Trump delegates and party members that this is not true and that the Party selects the eventual candidate not the voters in the Primary. They go on to quote parts of the Party rules to prove their point and are attempting to nullify the Primary voters wishes by refusing to support the candidate chosen by them. They are setting themselves up to become Super Delegates which I believe will led to the demise of the Republican party. If this is so and allowed to happen why do we even need a Party?

You and the Party seem be unaware that by doing you are proving that the Republican Party is the insiders bound to do as you please rather than serving the people. You are loudly claiming that he is not suited to be President without giving your reasons. I am sure that doing so will harm the whole party and down ballot candidates will be punished. Even at this late date if Trump is the candidate and not elected (baring voter fraud by democrats) the blame will be assigned to the Republican Party because they have not supported him and allowed the delegates to declare themselves Super Delegates..

The House is supposed be the body that speaks for the people,your title as the Speaker implies that you should lead the house according to the wishes of the people. The members of the House were elected to speak for the people if they do not do so w, the people, can vote them out of office as I believe we will. Mr. McConnell's is to led the the Senate.

Reince Priebus
Republican Party Chairman

Honorable Mitch McConnell
U.S. Senate Majority Leader

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