Sunday, July 17, 2016

Is Islam compatible with our Constitutional form of government?

 The latest statement of Presidential candidate Donald Trump calling for the halting of Muslim immigrants until we can determine the reasons for the radicalism of Muslims has created a controversy. In light of what is happening in Europe. I agree with him and don't see why this is a controversy. Compassion is an admirable trait but putting compassion before the safety of our citizens borders on lunacy.

Our form of Constitutional governance is one that states all citizens are to treated equally and the Bill of Rights enumerates those right. A few of them are freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to practice a religion of your choice, freedom of the press.

Under Sharia law and the Quran women do not have equal rights. A citizen can be executed for violating the tenements of Islam, convert to Islam or be murdered or other wise punished and punishment by death or incarceration for blaspheme be it written or spoken.

Clearly Islam is not compatible with our Constitution. Other religions have come to our country but none have tried to supplant their religious beliefs for the Constitution.

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