Sunday, July 17, 2016

Empathy and pity for illegal aliens

Originally Posted Feb 2016

Empathy and pity for illegal aliens or so called refugees are a Christian and American virtue but when that empathy hurts legal citizens it is time for a little common sense.

According to statics compiled by the government there are 101.77 million unemployed, and 565,000 homeless, of these 150,000 are veterans. The money spent on illegal aliens and refugees can be better spent on all American citizen rather than forcing them to live life as if they were in a 3rd world country.

There are an estimated 11 million illegal aliens in the US, the country of origin does not matter. They suppress wages by working for lower than the minimum. They are all putting a burden of one type or another on the US and our economy. Of those here illegally

  • 86.6% are on welfare payments of some type.
  • None pay income tax since they cannot legally have a SSN.
  • Despite what you may read people who do not have a valid SSN do not pay taxes since they do not have a SSN there is no way of computing any amount.

  • They take a total of $120 billion out of our economy and send it back to their families to be taxed by their governments and put into their economy's.

The logical thing to do is to close the border and deport those here illegally. Any parent that would leave a children who is unable to take care of themselves shows they are irresponsible Those old enough to take care of them selves don't need the illegal parents.

Once we enforce e-verify and fine those who hire illegal aliens they will start to self deport. For those who want to work in the US can apply for citizenship like all other immigrants or return on one of the many “guest worker” programs.

It is time to help American citizens before illegals or refugees.

Religious charities who are tax exempt are paid more than 1 billion dollars to settle refugees to our country. The Department of Health and Human Services also provided a number of “entitlements” to these refugees. They are paid up to $2,200 for each refugee by participating in a U.S. DHHS program known as Matching Grant.

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