Thursday, August 11, 2016

Proof that Hillary told Benghazi parents their sons were killed because of a video.

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Video of Clinton blaming a video for Benghazi deaths at the ceremony of their caskets return.
The relevant part begins at 8:28 mark and runs through 8:55.

The Clintons are famous for lying by claiming something is untrue because of the way it is worded.  The most famous is Bill Clinton saying "It depends on what the meaning of is is."

Hillary stated that she did not send any email that were marked "Classified" which is true because no classified documents are marked "Classified", they are marked with their exact classification such as "Secret" or "Confidential".

Now she claims that she never told Pat Smith mother of Sean Smith nor Charles Woods the Father of Tyrone Woods at their caskets that their son's death was because of a video.   The operative words are "at the caskets". She did blame their deaths on a video during her speech on the return of the bodies. It is irrelevant of where they were standing she did tell them and the entire ABC news audience the deaths were caused by a video.

Another interesting point is here claim, just before blaming the video, that a Muslim girl had held up a cardboard sign saying Islam is not the blame for the attack. This has never been reported and is irrelevant to the subject she was speaking about.

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