Thursday, August 11, 2016

Media setting up cover story for Dem. voter fraud?

Day after day the news media tells how Trump can't win and how Hillary always  leads Trump in polls. I believe the premise behind this is to add legitimacy to Clintons if they are able to commit voter fraud in large enough numbers to steal the election. The reasoning is if they keep telling the electorate that Hillary is leading in polls long enough and loud enough we will not suspect fraud if the vote is close. People will think that Trump did better than polls predicted.

The media keeps harping on Republicans against Trump without mentioning these are the insiders Trump is running against. They have made a big deal out of the 50 so called foreign policy experts who have helped get us into the mess we now face and would probably be fired on Trumps election. Now the media is claiming that Trump supports are abandoning him because of his poll numbers and gaffs. Yet they never produce any evidence of these claims.

They ignore the massive numbers of supporters that show up at Trump rallies, never interview any of them and claim the turnout is small, while claiming Clintons rallies are huge even though video shows them to be small.  They also ignore social media results, listed below, proving trump has more support than Clinton.
Trump: 10,174,358 likes.
Clinton: 5,385,959 likes.
Nearly twice the number of people that “like” Clinton, like Trump.
take a look at how Trump does when he posts a Facebook live stream video:

Trump Live Stream Post — 21 hours ago: 135,000 likes, 18,167 shares, 1.5 million views
Clinton Live Stream Post — 25 hours ago: 11,000 likes, 0 shares, 321,000 views
Even worse for Clinton, the top comments on Clinton’s Facebook posts are often from Trump supporters, whereas the top comments on a Trump post are regularly Trump supporters, according to The Truth Division.
That doesn’t look good for Hillary at all.
Trump: 10.6 million followers
Hillary: 8.1 million followers
Not only does Trump beat Clinton on these numbers alone, The Daily Callerreported that researchers found that 70 percent of Trump’s Twitter followers are real supporters with 90 percent having a history of voting.
According to the Washington Examiner, 41 percent of Hillary Clinton’s “followers” on Twitter are not real people.
YouTube Live Stream:
Trump: Averages 30,000 live viewers per stream
Clinton: Averages 500 live viewers per stream
Trump gets 5,900 percent more eyeballs on the screen than Clinton.
Trump: 2.2 million followers
Clinton: 1.8 million followers
Trump beats the Clinton machine once again where Clinton should do well, since it’s got lots of pictures and not much substance — perfect for a Clinton supporter.
Trump: 197,696 subscribers
Clinton: 24,429 subscribers
Hillary for Prison: 55,228 subscribers
Not only does Trump have more subscribers, more than twice as many people subscribe to “Hillary for Prison” than just the Clinton page.
The hacked Democrat National Committee emails released by WikiLeaks proved that the Clinton camp has to actually pay people to support her online 
— Trump supporters actually want to follow him on social media.
These statistics easily refute the biased media and rigged polls that Trump is up against.
Clinton and her cronies are afraid of the support Trump garners, which is why they resort to dirty tactics like this.
Trump has the support of the people and in November we’ll see just how strong that is.

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